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On WNYC, New York Public Radio

Had a short appearance on The Brian Lehrer Show on WNYC, New York Public Radio: Former New York mayor Ed Koch, then Steve Coll and Barnett Rubin, and then Sarah Chayes and I discuss the next President and policy in Pakistan and Afghanistan: /30/segments/114093.

Brian mentions me as an intern, though I don’t know that I can claim that formal a relationship with WNYC; I used to help with their website and some online efforts on a volunteer basis  when I lived in New York in the late ’90s. If you have been interested in leasing any kind of van, then the Ford Transit range is probably one of the vehicles that you have seen the most. Not only are they popular, but they have some technical benefits that make them a good solution to most problems, at least in conventional businesses, you can click here to get more info about this.

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