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Category Archives: Updates

SAJA Panel Discussion on the South Asian Blogosphere

SAJA BRIEFING: The South Asian Blogosphere and How Its Changing the Media 8:35pm Website: “The South Asian Journalists Association presents an online panel discussion among some of the best-known names in the South Asian blogosphere. They will discuss the state of the blogosphere (South Asian and otherwise) and how it is affecting how news […]

San Jose Peace Center Event with Safdar Sarki

Dr. Safdar Sarki on the Wikipedia Apologies for the late update, but I recently got the chance to moderate an event at the San Jose Peace Center with Dr. Safdar Sarki organized by one of my primary activist commitments, the Friends of South Asia. [I was not able to provide advance notice because I wasn’t […]

Picture Contributions to Wikipedia

Benazir Bhutto’s photo on the Wikipedia I have been a contributor to the Wikipedia for a while and made what are hopefully significant contributions. You can read more on my User page on that site. Though I am basically what I have often called “a text kinda guy”, along the way I have also contributed […]